By Akyereko Frimpong Manson

Follow Akyereko on Twitter: @AkyerekOfficial

Tunisian Ligue 1 outfit CS Sfaxien have terminated the contract of Ghanaian defender Seth Konadu due to poor performance, has learnt. 

The 24-year-old, who played for Ghanaian Premier League side Great Olympics six seasons ago, has been declared sub-standard by Sfaxien head coach Ghazi Ghariri.

Ghariri reportedly told the lateral defender to buckle up or face the axe last month but he could not impress the trainer as he made second-half and team B appearances.

Konadu managed a ten league appearances out of a possible 16 but the coach wants a player who can command a starting role and solve his defensive problems.

While Sfaxien are comfortable disposing the defender off, rivals Club Africain and Gafsa FC are bidding to pay a compensation fee of $6K for Konadu's services.


Readers Comment

  • Dr Who 10 years ago

    Wonders shall never end.Isnt this same player that defendered for this team to win the CAF confederation cup in 2013? I suspect he has a grudge with the coach or something may be wrong some where.I remember vividly that there were several offers for him to move away but he decided to stay on despite playing for them over 5 years.
