PLB Boss calls for calm and tolerance ahead of last round of matches
By: Sheikh Tophic Sienu @desheikh1 on twitter
Premier League Board Chairman, Wilbeck Abra-Appiah has called on all the sixteen participating premier league clubs, match official and fans to ensure sanity at the various league centers as the league enters its crescendo.
In a statement sent to other Premier League Board members as well as the leadership of the various clubs, the PLB Boss quoted 1st Corinthians 9:24 of the Holy Bible to describe how patience and contentment is very important at this part of the game.
"Gentlemen of the PLB it's my wish to share this appropriate Bible passage with you this day and hope you ponder over it as you go into the last two matches of the season", the statement read.
"Do you know that in a race all the runners compete but one receives the prize? So run that you may lat hold and make it yours" .
I pray for an incident free, peaceful and entertaining matches at all centers. Good luck to you all", he added.
The PLB Chairman concluded by calling on all the sixteen clubs to accept the results of their matches irrespective of whose favour it may go for the beauty of the game.
"Please let us all accept what-ever the results of our matches this day would be in good faith. Thanks".
The Ghana Premier League is left with two matches to end the 2014/15 league season and clubs are battling it out with relegation while a few are chasing the trophy.
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