Ghana FA technical chief Oti Akenteng wants suspended Muntari pardoned if he apologises
By Patrick Akoto
Ghana FA technical chief Francis Oti Akenteng is pushing for the recall of suspended midfielder Sulley Muntari once the Al Ittihad ace grovels over his conduct during a wretched 2014 World Cup campaign.
Muntari, 31, has been told in plain language, he will only be reconsidered for international duty if he shows remorse for his bad behaviour in Brazil.
But the temperamental figure has refused to render an unqualified apology for the incident which courted massive international embarrassment to the West African country.
The former AC Milan man was sacked from Ghana’s camp after he physically attacked former Black Stars management committee member Moses ‘Parker’ Armah during a meeting to address grievances surrounding their unpaid appearance fee.
But Ghana FA technical boss Francis Oti Akenteng wants authorities to forgive him unconditionally if he shows total remorse for his conduct, insisting he still has a lot to offer.
“Sulley Muntari is our child so we don’t have to cut off a body part because a baby urinated or defecated on it. We have to rub the dirt off and accept the person back," he said
“If I was to be in the administration (of the Black Stars) and we discover that Sulley’s absence in the team leaves a hole, what prevents us from accepting him back into the team?" he queried.
“I still believe that Sulley Muntari will have to apologize first and then it will be up to the coach to scout him and find out if he is in shape and needed for the national team. To me, there is no problem in accepting him.”
“He has to apologize first and the authorities will accept and bring him back into the team."
Muntaris is still regarded as a valuable asset to the national team having chalked 83 caps with 21 goals.
Readers Comment
9 years ago
str_repeat('*',strlen('Fuck')) u otey u can go to hill sule will never ever apology enough
9 years ago
With all due respect to you SIR (Mr. Akenteng) I see no reason why Muntari should apologize. You have people such as Sannie Daara alias Darga blowing his nose as if he is perfect and demanding apology from Muntari when he has dirt covered his hands and mouth. I never agreed with violence what so ever and disagreed with the nature of Muntari's response at Brazil however, Mr. Moses Armah Parker alongside Muntari should apologize to the nation. For Armah has no business instigating fight with Muntari. If his approach then was in a good spirit, they would not have been trouble on that fateful day. Armah sound authoritative and commanding to the playing body on that fateful day hence the trouble ensued. Anytime you tried treating adults as kids, that's what you get! A kid's response was what Armah asked for. If Armah was persuasive that fateful day, we would not be having this discussion. Sir Akenteng! If Muntari is to aplogize, he should be doing it with Mr.Moses Parker Armah. We call it "EVEN STEVEN" Fair right? I think so
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